Paying attention to your cognitive biases

Cognitive bias is a tendency to pay attention to some information while rejecting others or recalling some information faster than others.

These biases are often a result of your brain’s attempt to simplify information processing.

For instance, confirmation bias is the most common cognitive bias that plays a massive role in every aspect of our lives, especially in the workplace.

It is a tendency to look for information that matches what we already know.

Stereotypes are another form of cognitive bias that can destabilise a workplace.

Gender bias, for instance, is a huge drawback that limits a company from reaching greater heights and employees realising their full potential.

A company that is not neurodiversity inclusive could hurt the company’s image and effectiveness.

These biases may be culturally ingrained, making them even more challenging to recognise.

Here, sensitisation and workshops on critical thinking and building awareness about cognitive biases come in handy.

By building self-awareness in the workplace, you can sensitise yourself and your team members to recognise such biases and work in a logical and efficient manner.